What we do

Maybe you want to improve your business processes or you need help managing a team of developers. Thinking of going “Agile”?

We specialize in increasing value and organizing the things your teams do well. We employ numerous techniques to improve morale, communication, and transparency by helping you improve not only your processes, but also the tools being used in the delivery process.

Our specialties include, but are not limited to: Project Management, Agile Methodologies, Web and Mobile Development, Atlassian Administration, and ITSM.

our Approach

First, we learn about the team, the things they enjoy, and the things they accel in doing. We will meet periodically to learn the processes used to deliver value, from start to finish. After learning your processes, we identify gaps and room for improvement. All of these gaps will come directly from the team and everyone involved to increase transparency and adoption. After the initial discovery, we will be well on our way to continuous improvement.

Plan it

After discovery and compiling what’s needed from the team, we’ll then create a plan. The plan is created by everyone involved to promote ownership and the willingness to improve as a team.


Now, we put that plan in motion. There is no such thing as “One Size Fits All” when it comes to business, so we focus on things we like and do away with those that we don’t. Retrospect and Improve!